Turkey for You and Turkey for Me

MMMM......Two Thanksgivings. Ate with my mom last night: ham, sweet potatoes w/marshmallows, corn on the cob, rolls, green bean casserole, and mac & cheese with a nice bottle of Robert Mondavi Riesling. This afternoon in St Pete, we had turkey, gravy, stuffing, corn casserole, sweet potatoe souffle, rolls, deviled eggs, sweet tea, and green bean casserole. I'm going to put on a few pounds this trip to Florida...

Four days after leaving our home in Colorado Springs, we made it to Florida for work. But the first day out, we got a call:

Budget crisis. Stop working.

So LauraAnne and I went on hiatus this week in Winter Haven. There's not a whole lot going on in Winter Haven these days....but we did go downtown. They've actually done some good work reinvigorating WH. There are a few boutique shops, and we ate lunch at Wiener Haven. I had perhaps one of the best out-of-Chicago Chicago Dogs around. LauraAnne had a great chili cheese dog. To top is all off, we had a Pumpkin Milkshake: amazing.

In all the meantime, we rebuilt part of my Lego collection. Surprisingly, there weren't too many pieces missing. We rebuilt the Cement Mixer, Walking Astro Grappler, Safari Off Road Vehicle, Mobile Crane, the Battle Dragon, and my favorite, the Blacktron Alienator:

I also mailed myself part of my Star Wars Collection including some MicroMachines, POTF2 figures, old LPs, books, etc. As well as my entire comic book collection. I collected in the mid 90s, which means that none of those comics are worth anything. Well, maybe the Death of Superman sealed in the black baggie and my SuperPro #1 (heavy sarcasm).

I still have to pack up my vintage Star Wars figures and all the Legos: sets & parts together to get us through a snowy winter.

I saw the new K-Mart exclusive Star Wars Commemorative Tin Sets this week. But holy cow! $35 for 4 figures?? That's over $8/figure that you can get easily on eBay. However, I did sell an Oppo Rancisis a few weeks ago for $20, so that set may be worth the price.

The new Target Ultimate Battle Packs (here and here). Those are a steal: 8 figures, an AT-ST, and fancy accessories. I personally like the Hoth set. There's the mentioned AT-ST, but you get the turret, 2 VOTC Snowtroopers, AT-ST driver, and Cliff from Cheers. I'd sell the rest.

While I'm out of town, I got an email from Entertainment Earth that my pre-order of the Elite Forces of the Republic has shipped and I'm excited to get home and open it. I'll sell some of the figures and can probably make back my purchase price with just a few of the figures. The male mandalorians may be the first to go (or just get their helmets glued on)--have you seen the head-sculpts? Yikes.

Well Rachel Ray is on TV, the ladies are doing a puzzle, and the tryptophan is kicking in. Time for a nap.


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