I've been listening to alot of NPR (well NCPR) this week in the car...BBC Worldnews, The Story, All Things Considered...very facinating stuff. I really liked today's The Story, A Birthday In Combat (right click to download).
So Castro is officially stepping down as President of Cuba. Big deal. Raul's been acting president for the past year, and though Parliament is expected to select a new President over the weekend, I doubt it'll be anyone but Raul. The only way Cuba will experience any real change is when the Castro line is gone and younger leadership is in place. Even when both Castros are gone, it'll take a long time for all their loyalists placed in government positions to actually make any changes. Bush didn't have much to say on the subject, but he rarely has much to say of consequence these days anyways.
For Valentine's Day, we ordered some Dark Chocolate Dipped Strawberries from Edible Arrangements. We ordered on monday for a Thurs 9am pickup. LauraAnne called that morning and told them she was running late--that was fine with them, since their designer had just quit. So LauraAnne goes back at 430pm and stood in line for 2 1/2 hours! There was a line out the door. One lady had placed an order in late January for delivery and still had not gotten it. The MOD was only offering refunds...no gift certificates or even coupons! Needless to say that is the last time we're using them.
The Check Engine light came on in our new VW shortly after purchasing and was not due to an under-tightened gas cap. We finally took it to the dealer to find out that all 4 newly installed glow plugs had blown! So new ones are on order with a 12 month/10K mile warranty. Looking at the invoice for the last glow plugs revealed an incorrect part number; evidently the 2006 had a minor change and our VIN was in that change. Who knew? Tomorrow is a big day for the VW: new (correct) glow plugs AND our Colorado tags should be getting Fed Ex-ed.
Recent Acquisitions: Continuing my obsession with the Mandalorians, I picked up the Fett Legacy Evolutions pack. This has got to be my favorite version of Jango, and will have to put Fett next to my others to see how he stacks up. I am unfamiliar with his muted color tones...I think this is his ESB color scheme. The gauntlets are much much better than the VOTC/Legends Fett for sure though.
I also picked up several Concept Rebel Troopers. One for me (I'll sell the coin) and a few to trade. That deal has been made, now its up to the USPS to complete the deal, so soon I'll have a few more cool items in my collection.
The new wave of Saga Legends is hitting, and I scored a Dark Trooper with the gold coin. Both will go on the auction block; I got the set for the mail-away offer of Captain Rex from the upcoming CLONE WARS tv series/movie. I do like the mail-away figures. Its very nostalgic of the old Kenner days. Finally Hasbro is listening to the collectors.
It was announced today that BLU-RAY beat out HD-DVD: Toshiba called it quits, after Sony scored some recent major victories with Warner Brothers and Wal-Mart. Thought format has been decided, getting me to shell out the cash for a player, plus paying $25+ for a Blu Ray disc is another battle they'll have to win.
Know any music aficionados with a little cash to spare? Here's the ultimate archive collection (couldnt find the eBay auction yet).
So Castro is officially stepping down as President of Cuba. Big deal. Raul's been acting president for the past year, and though Parliament is expected to select a new President over the weekend, I doubt it'll be anyone but Raul. The only way Cuba will experience any real change is when the Castro line is gone and younger leadership is in place. Even when both Castros are gone, it'll take a long time for all their loyalists placed in government positions to actually make any changes. Bush didn't have much to say on the subject, but he rarely has much to say of consequence these days anyways.
For Valentine's Day, we ordered some Dark Chocolate Dipped Strawberries from Edible Arrangements. We ordered on monday for a Thurs 9am pickup. LauraAnne called that morning and told them she was running late--that was fine with them, since their designer had just quit. So LauraAnne goes back at 430pm and stood in line for 2 1/2 hours! There was a line out the door. One lady had placed an order in late January for delivery and still had not gotten it. The MOD was only offering refunds...no gift certificates or even coupons! Needless to say that is the last time we're using them.
The Check Engine light came on in our new VW shortly after purchasing and was not due to an under-tightened gas cap. We finally took it to the dealer to find out that all 4 newly installed glow plugs had blown! So new ones are on order with a 12 month/10K mile warranty. Looking at the invoice for the last glow plugs revealed an incorrect part number; evidently the 2006 had a minor change and our VIN was in that change. Who knew? Tomorrow is a big day for the VW: new (correct) glow plugs AND our Colorado tags should be getting Fed Ex-ed.
Recent Acquisitions: Continuing my obsession with the Mandalorians, I picked up the Fett Legacy Evolutions pack. This has got to be my favorite version of Jango, and will have to put Fett next to my others to see how he stacks up. I am unfamiliar with his muted color tones...I think this is his ESB color scheme. The gauntlets are much much better than the VOTC/Legends Fett for sure though.

The new wave of Saga Legends is hitting, and I scored a Dark Trooper with the gold coin. Both will go on the auction block; I got the set for the mail-away offer of Captain Rex from the upcoming CLONE WARS tv series/movie. I do like the mail-away figures. Its very nostalgic of the old Kenner days. Finally Hasbro is listening to the collectors.
It was announced today that BLU-RAY beat out HD-DVD: Toshiba called it quits, after Sony scored some recent major victories with Warner Brothers and Wal-Mart. Thought format has been decided, getting me to shell out the cash for a player, plus paying $25+ for a Blu Ray disc is another battle they'll have to win.
Know any music aficionados with a little cash to spare? Here's the ultimate archive collection (couldnt find the eBay auction yet).