Seven Mary Three

Thursday night, down at the Power & Light District, 7 Mary 3, one of my favorite bands that I've been following since high school, played an amazing (and free) show. The opening band was forgettable at best, but Laura Anne and I were right down front when they took the stage and opened with the first track from their new album, "Last Kiss." From there, it was just a great show. Jason Ross was a little off-tempo a few times while singing, but still has a strong voice to rock such mainstay favorites as Cumbersome and Water's Edge. Casey was fun to watch on lead guitar, and the bassist nailed that great solo from Cumbersome.

The band played songs from all their albums except for Orange Ave, of which Ross says "The record is disjointed." Along with Cumbersome and Water's Edge, they played Roderigo from American Standard; Rock Crown and (our favorite) Lucky from Rock Crown; Wait (a real treat), Breakdown, and First Time Believers from The Economy of Sound; Settle Up and Dislocated from Dis/Location; and Last Kiss, Was a Ghost (R-U-S-T Rust!), Break the Spell, and Upside Down from their latest release, Day & Nightdriving. They also played My My and Shelf Life from soundtracks.

There were a handful of songs I would've really liked them to play, but new tempos and rhythms in old favorites, plus the surprise of Wait really made the evening great. My mission was to get some good photos and obtain a set list, and 1 out of 2 isn't bad...I expected them to tape down set lists (as do most bands) and get one after the show, but I guess they've been doing it long enough that they don't need a set list anymore! I guess in the deal with the Power & Light district, they didn't play an encore (not for lack of fans...there were several people who sang every lyric, and even the attention desperate girl who jumped on stage to dance with J Ross).

We came home exhausted but happy. This was our first concert in what seems like years, if you don't count various bluegrass bands we've seen with Rick. There are a few more shows coming through KC including Gnarls Barkley, but the really big show is the Foo Fighters back home in July.


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