Dear Congressman Lamborn
Dear Congressman Lamborn , I am writing to thank you on your choice to vote "No" on the proposed bailout measure. Even though my IRAs took a 6.5% hit, I think voting down this measure secures America's future in the long run, and may punish those responsible for the current mortgage crisis. What is the status of, and how are you voting for HR 3781--Biodiesel Promotion...Act? The reason I ask is that my wife and I drive a combined total of around 1200 miles a week in our job. We purchased a 2006 Volkswagen Golf Turbo Diesel for its superior gas mileage (up to 45mpg) and long lasting diesel engine. Sometimes it is hard to find biodiesel in the different cities we travel to. Some biodiesel is used cooking grease and we currently fill up in Colorado Springs with grape-seed from Acorn Petroleum. In promotion of biodiesel, I think the federal gas tax should be lowered in proportion to the amount of bio products in biodiesel. If the fuel is B20 (20% bio) I think the federa...