Louisville, Day 7

So far, Louisville is a pretty great little city. And when compared to Memphis, wow! We took a few days last week to catch up on write ups (we finally finished on Sunday) and do a little exploring.

We found a great little designer toy store, Ultra Pop, over on Bardstown. They carry a great selection of Kaiju, lots of which I've seen on sites like Super 7, but never in person. The owner was very helpful in tracking down a hard-to-find piece, even it meant we bought online and not from his store. Not to say we didn't buy from him....we got 2 UK series Dunnys, including the Triclops clear head with the umbrella, the green Ox 3" vinyl Ugly Doll, and Mini Pegura. I was initially unsold on it, but after seeing that Japanese GID, I was sold. Its like a lightbulb!

We saw The Wrestler over the weekend and both really liked it. It was so gritty and raw, it felt more like a documentary instead of a movie. Rourke deserved his Golden Globe for sure.

The Watchmen comes out this weekend, which I'm excited about. I haven't had a chance to buy or read the original, so I don't know if I'm excited to come into it without any fore-knowledge, or let down that I don't have the original to compare it to and know some inside information.

Our tentative check-out is next Wednesday; I haven't seen the rural work yet, but hopefully we can leave that day (or maybe even earlier).

We thankfully missed the whole Monday Snow Madness storm, but didn't get out of the cold weather. Today's wind chill was down to 11. At least it was sunny. I'm really hoping for some good weather this weekend, so we can run down 40 minutes to the Jim Beam distillery, take some photos, and pick up a nice bottle of bourbon.

We tried Dogfish Head's Raison D'Etre tonight and both really liked it. I probably wouldn't enjoy more than one per sitting, but it was a nice flavorful change of pace. Whole Foods here has a great beer selection, and they sell singles! So I've got a nice variety to hold me over until the Jim Beam tour.

This is from LA: Cat's got your tongue/The devil's got your back/I was stepping out/Don't want to fly/If I can't fly away


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