Twilight vs Let The Right One In

Well, I haven't seen Twilight, just the previews on TV and it looks pretty lame. Especially compared to "Let The Right One In" which we saw last night at Kimball's Twin Peaks downtown last night. Its a Swedish vampire love story between a bullied 12-year old boy and his new neighbor, Eli, who happens to be a vampire. First, its nice to see a vampire movie where the lead vampire is a female. When's the last time that happened? Secondly, it was very gritty and real. If Eli hadn't eaten in a while (and she has an aversion to killing) she looked pale(r) and sickly; only a few times did she look like a healthy 12 year old girl. After watching the movie, I never want to move to Sweden; it looked COLD. This was a great film, leaving plenty to figure out on your own, didn't rely heavily on special effects, and the young actors gave such a great performance it was unbelievable. This was a great thriller that got its scares by what we didn't see. Namely the pool scene at the end of the film. Highly Recommended.


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