New Job

I don't know my exact title...customer service, associate, sales associate, sales consultant...either way I'm working the sales floor of Home Theater at Best Buy. The position is currently PT, but I'll hit 40 hours plus this week, even with unpaid lunch. We always seem to get busy right when I'm supposed to be taking off, and I hate to leave customers hanging, especially when they're there to buy a nice big TV. I'm the only white shirt in our dept. To get my blue shirt, I've got to take several e-learning courses, culminating in my Home Theater Certification I, a 100-question test with no official prep.

So far its turning into a great place to work. I've already applied for the open FT spot in our dept. We are no-commission, but bonuses do abound if we meet our sales budgets, especially on services, GSBT, and branded payments. I'm learning alot, especially from one of our FT's, David. If there aren't customers to help, there's ops stuff to do, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Today's my day off and I'm getting quite a bit accomplished, and need to take some e-learning (we can do 2 hours from home and get paid for it), but need to relax a bit too. I'm reading SOG about US commandos in Vietnam and downloaded The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the Wii. I distinctly remember playing it, but have no recollection of owning it or beating it. Its new but familiar.

I've also joined the etsy family. You can check out all 2 of my items at Soja Rinn Industries including my newly completed custom Mighty Muggs speakers.


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