1998 Honda CR-V

At least it happened while we were still in town, and not on the trip to DC, but the Honda lost power and died going up a hill in Lawrence KS. Thankfully I remembered we have State Farm's Roadside Assistance, so the tow was free to Jack Ellena Honda. And instead of having to car-shop today, we actually picked up the Honda in fine, running shape. Had to replace the alternator coil, cap, and rotor, but we got out under $500. But now I have a list of stuff that's wrong, including both upper and lower ball joint boots are cracked and worn on the right and left ($340), a broken right sway-bar link ($350), and replace brake fluid ($115). Those will have to wait until next trip back into town, and I think we'll skip the faulty emergency brake light, clean out washer nozzles, and replace oil pan gasket for now. All those charges add up, but its way less than a car payment, right?


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