Sucklord Rejects 2: Reanimators

I got my Suckadelic Rejects 2 figure in the mail a few weeks back, and I finally figured out the parts-mix: "the same bootlegged suit from the Occupy Cybertron line, coupled with the infamous Sucklord helmet." The"production" version is the Sucklord Host 2012, commemorating his duties at the Designer Toy Awards during NYCC. Instead of the Clutter Magazine paint scheme though, mine is all silver, except for the black tie. Minor paint splatter on the bubble.


Unknown said…
sweet piece man. I collect them also. If you ever get interested in trading or outright selling it, hit me up!
Soja rinn said…
This is my first custom Sucklord piece. I have his shaped sketch card from one of the Topps Star Wars series, as well as the black Overmaster Supreme! What would you have to trade? I don't know if I'd let this one go, but may be tempted by another Rejects figure
Unknown said…
hit me up:

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