May 16, 2003. Friday

Taos Ski Valley, NM

Plans are as final as they can get for Nielsen: I drive to Tally Wed --> Friday, do the wedding, go to Atlanta for a week, back home to Tarpon fish, then head to Tulsa for its end-of-June deadline.
        Then, hopefully ALL works out to take off for July and hit the river.
        I'm torn. I want to stay at Agape, help out, and get food; but the more I talk to Jenna Bales Walker and think, I may've missed out on the Entire guide experience by not living there. Of course, I can see myself getting into all sorts of trouble if I stayed at OAR

We went Into Town tonight to the Alley Cantina to see the John Carny Blues Band. Secondary, hoped for, and realized, other reason was to meet Taryn there, the Gen Mgr from Hampton.
        I was glad to have Jess & Ryan there to help coach and encourage me. The start was rocky, but I think I ended well. At the very least, I got to talk to a really pretty brunette I didn't know before and got 2 hiking suggestions from her and her friend.
        At the most, I'll get a dinner-date or someone to knock back a few drinks with on Tuesday, since Hampton's undergoing inspections Mon-Tues.
        I'm expecting her to decline when I call the hotel--she wouldn't volunteer another number--but I did alright for myself.

        Being short-lived in all probability, I'll skip the details I learned except that she wants to be a nurse and do something that makes a difference. Even at GM, she doesn't feel like she's really doing anything. I found that noble.


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