Custom 3" KidRobot X The Simpsons Bronze Homer Buddha

 Today I wanted to share a tutorial on painting a couple 3" Homer Buddha's bronze and weathering them.

I started with 2x LootCrate exclusive Gold Homer Buddha's. I used Modern Masters Metal Effects Bronze Paint. This is a water-based paint with real copper and zinc particles in the paint. 

KidRobot LootCrate Gold Homer Buddha Modern MastersModern Masters Metal Effects Bronze Patina

I did not use a primer, but might try that next time. I used a brush on the first coat, but the plastic did not like the paint much. The paint tended to "bead" so I had to constantly reapply and spread it out. 

KidRobot Homer BuddhaKidRobot Homer Simpson Buddha

I did not like the brush strokes either, so on the second coat I used a sponge to apply the paint.

Homer Buddha Modern Masters Metal Effects

Here is a comparison with an earlier 8" Buddha I did. The 8" Buddha was painted a while ago. 

I used the Metal Effects Black Patina Aging Solution after the paint had dried thoroughly. My spray cap was sort of clogged. Instead of a fine mist, it sort of spurt out and beaded on the paint. The areas where the solution concentrated turned out much darker. Using a paint brush, I applied more Patina Aging Solution to even it out. 

Finally, I set them outside in a snowstorm to accelerate the natural weathering. The copper oxidized rapidly, and I removed some of it for a cleaner look.

These look very different depending on your light source.

3" Bronze Homer Buddha

Enlightenment not guaranteed


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