1st day back on the job....the work load looks alot better than fayetteville...not nearly as many big surveys, and I don't think the rural ones will be quite the pain they were in NC. I did have to sketch several units today, but so far so good. I did a few of the furthest out today and plan on working my way in towards Cinci.

Laura has a mild case of the flu tonight, running a temperature of 99.3, which is a low fever, but nothing too serious, and nothing some dark chocolate peanut M&Ms and NyQuil can't help.

At least she had her appetite...we made burgers tonight and I had one with Bard's Tale Beer Dragon's Gold, bought specifically for the dragon bottle cap. It was mediocre, and now reading the label, I know why--no wheat, barley, rye, or oats, just whole grain sorghum. Hmmm...I think I'll pass on it next time in the store. I picked up a few other random beers in addition to a six pack of Rogue Dead Guy. This was the first time I had seen a six pack of regular size Dead Guy, so I couldn't pass it up.

Hopefully Laura is feeling better for the weekend. I talked to our neighbor who used to live here and he suggested all kinds of things in additon to the aquarium and KY Bourbon Trail: eat ribs at the Boathouse, go to his neighborhood of Mariemont, the conservatory, art museum, the Mount Adams area, and more ribs at the Montgomery Inn in Montgomery.

If anyone's interested, I'm selling a Pink Nintendo DS Lite with charger, stylus, carry case, Robot Atak GBA game, and Tak: The Great JuJu Challenge DS game all for $125.

Gotta get to bed early and get up early....I haven't been to bed in the past week before 1230 and can only make it out of be nearly 9. Not good for getting work done.


Unknown said…
Sorghum huh? You are a brave soul for trying that one. How you guys been? It has been too long since we last talked. Hope you all are well.


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