Beware The Ides of March
We've rented some good movies, like No Country For Old Men and some so-so ones like Dan In Real Life.
We drove to Jacksonville for my grandfather's funeral. He had been sick for the past 2 years, and it was comfort to know he was no longer in pain. Again it was good to see family, but coming from a very sorrowful funeral to another funeral was a hard 2 weeks. The only thing during the service that bothered me was that no one spoke of PaPa's devotion to family. I think I would want to be remembered as a great husband first and foremost...that's the best kind of statement of faith I can think of.
We hung out with my cousin & her boyfriend, which we haven't done in a while, as well as my other cousin. They're fun to be with.
We had family photos in the backyard at MaMa's; I even got to take some. But there's a handful of Laura and I that came out really good, that we'll have to get blown up and framed.
As a light alternative to the rich funeral food we've been having, we've dined on Japanese lately...we both like Miso Soup & Green Salad with Ginger dressing, and I get some exotic sushi roll. The last place we were at had Rogue's Morimoto Soba Ale. Wow. Tons of flavor for a lite ale.
We stayed the night in Asheville on the way to Cincinnati. Downtown is nice with lots of coffee shops and art galleries. Unfortunately, most were closed even at 1030am. We did find a nice one, American Folk Art & Framing, which even had some of Cornbread's stuff (we saw his work in Tallahassee). We both liked the colors of Moni Hill:

I am sure there is more that's happened on our trip, and more to write about, like the proposed Dream Act, our current location in Cincinnati, and how nice it will be to get home, but I've got some reading to do...