Politics and Religion

Bush's war in Iraq has increased a great American institution: divorce. The divorce rate in Iraq has nearly doubled since the US invasion, even quadrupling in Baghdad. Way to lead, America, way to lead.

Of course it's easy to blame the war on Bush...but no President can do anything without the Congress and Senate to support him. Sure they voted without complete knowledge, but they vote 'yes'. The President does have power, but its limited...no matter what his promises are on the campaign trail, without supporting votes, his ambition amounts to nothing without the backing of other elected officials. Let's make sure we're as concerned with them as well as the President this election, shall we?

The state of South Carolina has decided that, for a $4000 fee/deposit (the article isn't clear), you can have religious symbols such as the Cross or Star of David on your license plate, but only 'Christian' license plates will have the words 'I believe' printed on them...I guess if you're Jewish, or Hindu, or Muslim, you don't really believe. It isn't a matter of what you want your tag to look like...lots of States have tags you can purchase declaring your interest in almost any cause. If you want a Christian tag, you should be able to get one, but any other faith should have the right to the words 'I believe' or the State should just leave those words off. So much for separation of Church and State.


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