its only been 1 week since i last blogged, but it seems like so much longer! its been a long time getting here, and even then 'here' is moving to i dunno...

our contracts with sprint were done, so we switched over to verizon. the sprint network is so fickle, especially around here. for instance, just sitting on the couch in our loft (near the windows), dropped calls were the norm. nevermind anywhere else in the loft. laura found a great online deal with verizon, which included 2 brand new LG Chocolate phones and free activation, so the switch cost us virtually nothing--well except for a few memory cards, ring tones, and music kit. and the costs can go higher with these phones with all kinds of cool accessories, like bluetooth headsets, bluetooth speakers, a bluetooth transmitter for the car radio....i like that last idea the best, but i really dont listen to music at all in the car as long as NPR is available.

yesterday we finished with our Jackson county work on the MO side, and i can only say 'good riddance.' i have been doing this job for 6 years and in two weeks in MO i saw 3 separate arrests for a total of 5 people. yikes! now we've got the Overland Park area and Johnson county. there's some big huge nasty rural surveys (one has 200+ blocks!), but as a whole, it should be nice suburbia with no gang or drug problems.

this week has been relaxed a little....we did write ups monday and tuesday. we knocked off 1/2 a day on tuesday to go to Lawrence and see Dana. we didn't do anything but lay by the pool and soak up the sun. we enjoyed Honey Moon Summer Ale and i read half of Hemingway's To Have and Have Not. similar themes as Islands In the Stream, but Harry is a little less likeable than Hudson in Islands.

continuing the cuban theme, i heard a great interview with author TJ English about his new non fiction Havana Nocturne: How the Mob Owned Cuba and Then Lost It to the Revolution. the title pretty much says it all and features some events featured in The Godfather Part II.

laura's dad got married over the weekend...that's a blog post of its own, but sarah and tobi came to visit and it was good to see them and show them a little of KC on the limited time they had. we were able to take them to the Plaza and Westport (the anti-plaza) on saturday before the wedding, and then down to the City Market on sunday along with the 4 story antique store in the same district. the Market is smaller and more subdued on sundays, with many vendors absent, but a nice little flea market area set up, where i found a scarf for a quarter and the first 2 seasons of Seinfeld on dvd for $10.

they wanted to get me the General Grievous Mighty Mugg for my birthday but had to settle for another, but on a recent toy run, i was able to trade for Grievous! i think my Mighty Mugg collection is complete for now. i don't want to get too much of one particular design. right now i have the following 'Muggs: chewbacca, a stormtrooper, grievous, and wolverine. there are some great exclusives coming at SDCC, but no way can i get out there, and i don't want to pay the premiums.

tomorrow is the 4th of July, and no we don't get a holiday. Laura's going to the field for a few surveys and i still have 22 write ups to do. yikes! and there's a double and some bigger surveys i've put off...

kim and todd from tulsa are coming up for the weekend (though staying in separate lodgings) and i have no idea how much we'll see them or what we'll do. there's the RiverFest at the City Market tomorrow night and then we're itching to see the Kemper Muesum of Contemporary Art. should turn out to be a good weekend.


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