I don't know if we're in OH or IN tonight...we just drove. We had a lengthy stopover at Ikea in West Chester and managed to pile the cars to the breaking point.....rocking chair, 2x bookshelves, platform bed, headboard/shelves, 2x tall chairs, project desk, plus other misc items. Its a long drive home from here, about 16 hours, compounded by the fact neither one of us can see out of the rearview, and I have to bend over to see my passenger side mirror.

Thankfully the town we're in tonight has an older, but updated Holiday Inn with nice bedding and a big bathroom, and less than a mile south on 41 was an Outback. I knew we hung on to those giftcards from Dad & Jenny for a reason--a night like tonight! We enjoyed a couple of bacon wrapped filets with asparagus and some adult beverages to wash down the road dust. The dogs have been out sniffing and got to see 3(!) rabbits, so they'll sleep good tonight. Boots is ready to cuddle and fight tonight, and I'm looking forward to a hot shower in the morning.


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