One of Those Days to Cap One of Those Weeks

Last week wasn't particularly bad...the work went smoothly and we drove down to Chesapeake to meet the rest of our group at a Japanese steakhouse for dinner.

Its just the fact that I spent all weekend sequestered in our hotel room doing write ups each day. Today was supposed to finish it all off, but now I think I'll have to take paperwork home with me :(

My 2nd write up of the day turned into a resurvey, which meant an hour drive to the survey and an hour back. In addition, my Check Engine light on the Honda CR-V has been on due to 3 cylinder misfires. I finally bought a new distributor cap & rotor, but had to run to Lowes for a tiny screwdriver to get the cap off. And I have no idea how to remove the rotor! You'd think it would pull straight off, but NO. So I just replaced the distributor cap, reset the Check Engine and took the CR-V out to do a close survey. Check Engine came back on....same 3 cylinder misfires.

I also had to come back to the hotel, because before an apartment manager would give me any info, he needed a business card or ID. So it seems like I've been running all over and getting no work done. I gotta drive down to Norfolk to pick up LA tonight, and shower before that...its already 430 and dusk. I have 15 write ups to do or they come home with me. And we're leaving tomorrow to go home! Which is wonderful, but I haven't had a chance to pack Luggage 1. The dogs are bored since they've only been out 2x today and they'll even more bored the next 4 days going home. 8-10 weeks off is going to be so nice....I need a drink.


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