Ikea Malm, Lack, & Expedit

Things are finally settling down after 2+ weeks without a day off...anyway, here are the photos of our new furniture straight from IKEA. First is my office--new counter height project desk and 2 side mounted Lack Bookshelves:

Our designer vinyl toy collection looks great in the living room on the Expedit Bookshelf:

And finally the Malm bed and headboard:


Xinefoto said…
I love your idea of using the Expedit shelves horizontally and hanging them on the wall. Can you comment how you hung them?
Soja rinn said…
Updated photos! The Lack Shelves come with hardware to side-mount. However, they don't match up to studs at all, so you have to play around with it, since you want at least one or 2 studs to hold these guys up. And use drywall anchors for the other 2 places. If you want max weight holding, you could add a bead of caulk along the top for a more permanent fixture. I had quite a bit of weight on the shelves with no problems in drywall and then in plaster.

Its definitely a 2-person job, since the shelves are fairly heavy. If you look closely at the photo, the cubby on the far right has a small white square showing. This covers the hardware.

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