Obey Shepard Fairey

Sometimes you look at art and wonder where on earth an artist derives their inspiration from...it could be everyday life, active imagination, or in Shepard Fairey's case, matchbook covers.

Good artists borrow, great artists steal.

Obey Tyrant (borrowed):

Cold Chillin (outright stolen):

It sorta ruins the mystique of an artist, epsecially when most elements of the penguin looks to be directly ripped off.

Of course, matchbook covers were rarely copyrighted, so the images are just out there for anyone to steal, copy, be influenced by, or just sell outright as their own.

I read one story about an 'author' who obtained books whose copyrights had run out, changed a few key words for modern times and resold the digital books. Ingenius.


Anonymous said…
This post contains great insight. You must be a taxidermist.
Anonymous said…
"You must be a taxidermist."

Well then "Stuff you jermaine, and stuff you bret, and.. and.. stuff you jermaine again!

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