Late nights going through thousands of bricks, and I am really making headway in re-assembling my Lego collection. It was a stroke of genius that Laura Anne started separating pieces by color. Though still time-consuming, building goes much smoother. Notable rebuilt sets:

Yeah, I had a thing for Castle sets.

It was a pretty eventful weekend. We recently discovered Redbox DVD rentals that are new releases for only $1/day. We rented 3:10 to Yuma, one of the best Westerns I've seen in a long time. It was more character driven than Unforgiven and had a much more compelling story than Open Range, the 2 big 'recent' Westerns. This movie went past the normal theme of revenge or good guy vs bad guy. The leads played by Russell Crowe and Christian Bale were very complex characters and you never knew quite what their motivations were. Though nominated, it did not win the Ensemble Cast SAG award.

That evening we also found a really great Riesling wine. Normally we drink Robert Mondavi's Johannisberg Riesling, but on our most recent trip out picked up Polka Dot Riesling from Germany. Normally basing your wine selection on what the bottle looks like is a gamble, and this time it did pay off. The wine was very smooth and sweet, pouring perfectly into new stemless glasses.

Last night Laura Anne and I went Two-Stepping with Dick and Merrily at Cowboys across town. Cowboys reminded me of my Stetsons days back in college, but without nearly all the annoying sorority girls. The ranchers from just outside of town were out in full force, but new comers like the 2 of us still danced quite a bit when a decent song came on. I'm still no pro, but could keep time (1-2,3,4) by the end of the night.

After our church's annual meeting (we got ribs & teriyaki chicken!) we made an antique mall run during which we got a key guard (?) that folds over piano keys that we'll hang as a shelf/ledge and I got 2 wooden crates for storage. Later in the day Laura Anne found 2 Pier 1 stools for cheap $ at ARC.

While Laura Anne had an appointment, I worked more on our garage door opener. Weeks ago I assembled the opener, but only this weekend the weather was nice enough for installation. This was my first (and hopefully last) GDO install. I only had to make one trip to ACE and only used one band-aid, but it is now up and functional. It goes up; it goes down. Both remotes work as well as the keyless wireless entry system. I have to say I'm quite glad the job is done, but gladder still that we have a garage door opener. You don't fully appreciate one until you live for a year without.


LiteratureLover said…
My son would love working with you on your Lego collection. He's got a pretty massive one himself - being that it's all he's asked for for the last four years at Christmas, birthday and any other opportunity he can think of. His are also color-coded into drawers which he painstakingly makes sure stay that way. They are his "precious" and we all know not to touch them without written permission. :)

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