Well the office was organized...now I still have all that stuff from FL that's begging to be organized...but its not too much stuff. One box of old comics, 1 small pile of misc household eBay items, 1 tub of Legos, & 1 box of Legos.

On my new bookshelves, I'm going to get clear glass jars to put all my spare Legos in, but that will have to wait until we get back from Chicago.

LauraAnne and I just rebuilt the LEGO 6270 Forbidden Island. It was my first Lego Pirate set, and I remember coming home from Toys R Us in Lakeland that night. It was a 45 minute drive, and between streetlights, I studied the front and back of the package. I think I fell asleep on the way home and had to wait till morning to build the set. The set is in great condition. I need to find a 'firing' cannon (since they switched production the next year to non-firing) and I have lost the upper jaw of the shark. Otherwise, its complete with the box and instructions. How's that for being 19 years old??

I just scanned in Roll XXII last night while playing LOTR: Third Age. All my characters are nearly completely powered up and I'm in Minas Tirith now, 76% complete with the game. And speaking of LOTR, I found a copy of Return of the King I needed for my set of books at ARC for only $2.50. They came out with so many movie tie-in editions that I got the wrong 3rd edition. Now my set is complete and the old one goes on Amazon.

Some highlights from the past few rolls of film:


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