We had some really great weather last week, but then the wind started to blow and blow on Saturday. A moving truck on I-25 got blown over and caused an instant 7-car pile-up and a local building burnt down after power lines blew into it. We woke up Sunday to several inches of snow! Needless to say, we havent been out-of-doors much the past few days. We've stayed indoors and worked on my office, the last unorganized room in the house, a haven for my Star Wars collection, dumping ground for eBay auctions, and generally a very 'busy' room:

We're gearing up to head to Chicago for a meeting or two and a belated Christmas party in Schaumburg at GameWorks. LauraAnne has never been to the Field Museum of Natural History, and it's been 5 years since I've been, so I think it'd be a fun time. I think they've moved the German U-Boat indoors by now, which was amazing last time I was there. We're also trying to talk our friend Nick into coming with us. It should be a good, albeit cold trip. The only downside is leaving Bunny, Maddie, and Boots home. We do miss them, but it will be a short trip.


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