Long Day

Nothing like an 11 hour work day to cap off the week, huh?

Lots of work left to do, and the blinking 'check engine' light on the Honda has finally materialized into a problem; a really rough idle. The diagnostic tool says 3 cylinders are misfiring. So it could be a catastrophic problem or just incompatible spark plugs. Monday I'll buy some genuine Honda plugs and see if that fixes it, otherwise the shop will have one week to fix the CR-V before we head to Louisville. I don't think I should drive it 4 more weeks and then back home before getting it looked at, that's how bad its getting.

Our little motley crew ate downtown last night at Rendezvous. Definately a dive. You have to go down an alley and down some stairs to get there. The style of ribs wasn't our favorite (we prefer smoked), but they were excellent ribs, dry rubbed and charcoaled. They weren't fall-off-the-bone, but still very tender and juicy. We'll try somewhere else or hit Cozy Corner before going back though.

This week I had Flying Dog's Old Scratch Amber lager, a forgettable beer without much character. However, tonight I opened the 1 pt, 10 oz La Chouffee Belgian spiced ale with a nice sweet/spicy taste direct from Belgium. Very light and crisp with a nice thick head.

I finished off the bottle watching the double episode of Clone Wars on Cartoon Network and now that we're over half done with the season, I have to say it has grown on me, but I mainly watch it for the Clones. The best episode was the first (good thing they're re-running it next week) and I enjoyed last week's Hidden Enemy, thought I don't agree with Clone being able to turn away from their programming so easily. The episodes that focus on Jedi (mainly Skywalker and Ashoka) and Padme are over-dramatic and don't have enough action. Jar Jar is surprisingly welcome amidst the Keystone Cop Battle Droids, and the episodes focusing on lesser Jedi's (Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Aayla) have been enjoyable.

At the most redneck Wal Mart in Arkansas (that's where our work is: 1.5 hours away) I saw parts of the new wave of figures including the droid Goldie and the Space Clone Trooper. I was tempted to nab the Trooper, but what am I going to do with it? I've bought 2 figures since the relaunch last July and frankly don't have the room for more 3 3/4 figures. Almost. I have started an interest in prototype figures, but haven't pulled the trigger on eBay quite yet. The Jango I passed on today looked good, but $32 shipped is a little much. I prefer a larger-scale collectible.

I am scaling back my collecting due to space and simplicity. Right now I'm thinking more practical and considering a Remington 870 shotgun, but who'd've thought they'd make so many models of the 870? Top of my list is the XCS Marine Magnum. Its stainless nickel coated with Remington's propriety black coating. 12 gauge, 18" barrel. The XCS (Extreme Conditions) Marine model is a little overkill, especially given CO's dry climate, but I figure if I'm going to spend the money and buy a shotgun, I might as well get one that will last longer than I will.

The tentative plan for this Valentine's weekend is largely dependant on LA, who has caught the bug I'm just getting rid of. Tonight was a quiet evening at 'home'; tomorrow might find us at the movies (we still have to see Coraline 3D), eating BBQ, watching Fool's Gold on HBO, scouting President's Day sales, or at Shelby Farm's dog park. But first, some sleep.


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