Things are gradually getting better...Safe Lite came and fixed LA's window today (all out of pocket expense; too low for our deductible). She's glad to turn in her PT Cruiser tomorrow to Enterprise--which for all appearances seems to be the most inefficiently run company around.

I called on the CRV today. It will be ready after a 50-60 mile test drive tomorrow. I'm stuck in a Pontiac G5. It was black before I worked in eastern Arkansas today. After last night's rain, most roads were a muddy mess. There were a few times I just had to speed up, close my eyes, and pray I didn't get stuck. I miss the CRV, especially since I left my GPS's (the one not stolen) charge cable and mount in there.

Schlafly's lager pale ale was a little too heavy for my tastes, though initially I did like it. By the end of the bottle, I was ready for it to be done. Tonight I tried Yazoo's Pale Ale, and while not very hoppy, still was a better pale ale I've had in a while. Even though it is from Tennessee, and right now my whole perception of the state is a little skewed.


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