No Internet Taxes

Letter to: Senator Bennet, Senator Udall, Representative Lamborn,
Monday, February 23, 2009

RE: Oppose legislation to enact the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement

Senator Michael F. Bennet
U.S. Senate
702 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 205100001

Senator Mark Udall
U.S. Senate
B40E Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 205100001

Representative Doug Lamborn
U.S. House of Representatives
437 Cannon House Office Building
Washington DC 205150001

As your constituent and one of the 82 million registered eBay users in the US, I'm asking you not to impose any new sales tax laws on the Internet.

The Supreme Court decided in 1992 that retailers are required to collect sales taxes from in-state customers, but not from customers who live out-of-state. This decision was made because it would be difficult for any business, but especially a small business, to collect sales taxes for the thousands of tax jurisdictions in the 45 states with sales taxes.

Small business sellers using the Internet, like the majority of those operating on eBay, would be disproportionately harmed by overturning the Supreme Court decision and creating a new Internet sales tax system. It would increase the cost of doing business and shopping on-line, which would hurt sellers and buyers alike, not to mention small business job creation in this struggling economy.

Please oppose any legislation to impose new tax burdens on small businesses using the Internet.

Thank you for your support.

Jason Martin


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