1600 Miles to Go

Amid all the baby-related flurry of activities lately, life still manages to march on, and LA and I are once again called away from our home for a 3 day drive across the country, after spending 4 days away from it in Denver. We delayed our trip by one day, so we could have a chance to catch our breath, but it was hard to catch with everything needing to get done: bathe Maddie, tint the VW windows, car wash for the VW, gas up the Honda, pack for 2.5 months, clean house, pack lunches, burn audio books, see friends at the last minute, chiropractor visit, eat, sleep, get up and drive 24+ hours to North Carolina. We'll barely be able to unpack there, since the market is due Feb 1, before backtracking to Memphis for a month, then backtrack more to Louisville, which incidentally we're staying in on Sunday night. We're trying to get out early this morning so we make it to Lawrence, KS with daylight and energy to meet Dana and her new boyfriend for dinner. We've got McCormac's The Road, The Last Lecture, and Indiana Jones on CD to help with those forsaken miles in Kansas, the only glimmer of civilization between here and Lawrence being The Oasis in Colby, otherwise known as The Best Gas Station Ever. It has a nice grassy area for the dogs, quality petrol, a Quiznos, and most importantly, a Starbucks. Its a little sad we recognize the workers there. Well, we've got 1600 miles to drive. Better get the engines started and 'keep it between the ditches' (that's for you Trav).


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